Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jalopnik asks Where's MY Press button?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a piece that looked at my faith and the Ferrari brand (
), and specifically, reference to the disingenuousness and commercialization of the brand.  Then I came across this piece in Jalopnik which recounts a previous piece that I missed from Chris Harris.  Chris is one of the most respectable auto-journalists in my books, and feels rather passionate about Ferraris.  However, his passion has turned from adoration to full on despise.

"Ferrari plainly cannot see its 
strategy to win every test at 
any cost is completely 

In no uncertain terms, Chris lambastes the corporation for forgetting what makes for good marketing, and sustainable business policy.

"The simple message from
Ferrari is that unless you
play exactly by the laws they
lay down, you're off the list."

Chris goes on to the point where he has sold his own Ferrari, and swears to never own another one again.

"I've had enough of concealing
what goes on, to the point that
I no longer want to be a Ferrari
owner, a de-facto member of its

Where does this leave me?  Thinking, thinking deeply.  As in my previous post from January 27, the disenchantment with the brand was further elevated with the use of the F150 moniker.  They, Ferrari, have bailed by renaming the model, and admitting nothing.  Very little class for such a long standing pillar of luxury brands.  The Control.  The Deception.  I truly hope they can right this course.

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