Monday, May 17, 2010

Adult Go Kart (Craigslist via BangShift)

I want to go go-karting as much as the next person.  But this would not be my chosen ride.

adult go cart - $400 (Covington, Ohio)

Date: 2010-05-16, 10:20AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

This has a 6 cyl engine, and a 2 speed power glyde trans. The engine has a slight nock in it which i think is a push tube. The trans was just rebuilt about 25 miles ago. The Trans alone is worth more than im asking for the hole thing. I am willing on taking the trans out if you want just that but the price will be the same. it has a right and left break which is great for going out in the fields and turing very fast. The breaks are using the emergancy breaks on only the rear axle. They arnt the best but they work for just play. The driver sits on the right side. I was going to get sand tires for it but just ran out of money. It will run but the battery is shot on it. If you would like to take it i can jump it to get it on a trailer. I have had it going 90mph on the road but didnt want to go any faster since there is no suspention on this unit. THIS IS NOT ROAD LEGAL.... It is also NOT 4 wheel drive. If you have any questions give me a call 937-564-4130. Thanks for looking

  • Location: Covington, Ohio
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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PostingID: 1743457987

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